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Member since 01/2005

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Very existensialist I must say


That was a short run Jude. Pablo asked a while back if blogging was being placed on the back burner in lives of many people.

I find it a bit of a "publish or perish" game. If there isn't something new to read nearly every day then people stop stopping by.


Happy Australia Day, Jude!


Jude are you still paying TypePad a monthly fee? I wonder if Rumi was the Persian/Iranian Sufi poet I heard about on Radio National yesterday?


Hi Jude, how are you?
I miss you!
All my best to you!


So you have given us up for another additive hobby? Maybe living on the edge?


I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!
(((Many hugs)))


Talk about synchronicity! Came upon the great Rumi poem this evening just when I was wondering how to cope with the weird emotions that assail me from day to day -- no, sometimes moment to moment, chasing the thoughts that flit through my mind...

Kay Dennison

This is womderful! I love Rumi but I hadn't read this one! What wonderful food for thought!

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