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Member since 01/2005

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So, does it work?

Yes, well, all this self-preservation, home maintenance, etc, starts to get a bit much after a while.


So this is the reason bathrooms are larger today?
Every product I have bought works well for the first week, then nothing.
Maybe lids need to be removed on a regular basis.


I just love it. I can see you (or me) as we go sliding across the room and grab that towel bar thankful that no one see our bar arse as we almost fall!!!


Here's something else for you to try, Jude, but it's just soap, which you need for the shower anyway. It's a new Dove moisturising soap with cucumber and herbs in it. Smells, and feels, divine. Even the color is pretty.

I haven't heard of tooth mousse before. I love my electric toothbrush though. Finally got one last year and feel it does a better job than the old fashioned kind. I would love to have whiter teeth, ever tried any of those whiteners you can get from the chemist?


Thanks, Val - although I have been put off soap for the shower - they tell me that the new gels leave no scum and make cleaning easier.

I'm a convert to the electric toothbrush too. Have never tried whiteners, although Kenju (Just Ask Judy) had a good post on her experience with such a product a week or so ago.

Ed McGoldrick

I've never tried any "tooth mousse" in my 20-something years of existence, but I guess what I'll need now is a special cream to calm me before I get my root canal. My periodontist here in Colorado Springs has given me the go-signal to finally get my overdue root canal.

I just hope I really wouldn't mix up with the creams and gels in my cabinet.

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